Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jane and Edwin's housewarming party

We Went to Jane and Edwin's housewarming party on Friday. The house was so beautiful and nicely decorated. The food was so good and yummy too :-) Nasi kuning (yellow rice), sate babi (pork satay), etc.

Here is Jane and Edwin with the boys :-) on loan for the picture.

Luki and I actually enjoyed the time because so many ladies wanted to hold Sammy...

Started with Auntie Vira who asked to hold him as soon as we arrived :-)


Then Auntie Sap sap, sadly we did not get to take picture because we were enjoying the food :-)

Then Auntie Jane...

Then Grandma( Auntie Jane's mom) who wanted to hold him all day :-) She did not even want to give him back when I asked :-)

Glenn of course was glued to Auntie Silvia who used to make him his favorite cake (Green Sponge cake) before I get the recipe. Now I made it quite often :-)


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1 comment:

sh said...

aaaahhh auntie silvia --- uda perna buatin usus babi blom buat glenn? uenak tenan loh :P hehehe