Saturday, May 31, 2008

Glenn's flashback

HI, It's me on my 1 month birthday :-)


Me on my very FIRST birthday :-)

Me on my 2nd Birthday

Me on my 3rd Birthday
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My mommy just need to see how fast I grew up :-)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Shark cupcakes for Jacob Birthday

Shark cupcakes for Jacob Khare 5th birthday :-)



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Jeremy Glenn's graduation pictures

I am GRADUATING from preschool!!! Today is my last day of school at Newstart Preschool :-)... I will go to Kindergarten this fall

I am so excited to go to Kindergarten because I will get to take a book home from the library EVERY DAY!!! Btw, my teacher said that my reading skill is BEYOND 1ST GRADE!! I love to read but my mommy said that I need to work on my math skill as well if I want to go to that big school that start with HA... Hmmm... HARVARD I think :-)

SIGHHHHHHHH I think math is boring compare to reading (pssttt... my mommy thinks that I got that from her ) So I think I just go to the OSU :-) like mommy and daddy :-) It's a great school anyway because they play football all the time :-)


Do I look handsome and big?? Mommy said I need to eat alot so I grow bigger because the principal said that they will pull me out of my kindergarten class and join the first grade students on some subjects such as Math and reading. That's because their gifted program does not start until 3rd grade :-( But my mommy and daddy said I don't have to do it if I miss my kindergarten friends.... So we'll see what happened in the fall :-)

(I am pretty good at Math too (like my Daddy). I just don't enjoy it as much as reading.

WOW, don't I look grown up :-) My Mommy and Daddy can not believe that I will be riding the big yellow school bus this year :-) (psst... my mom even cry when she read me a book the night before I went to my kindergarten screening. She can't believe how fast I grew up :-)

Mommy and Daddy said that they are SO VERY PROUD of me!!!
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Playdate at the Cheung's residence

We played at the Cheung's today :-) Rowen, Jacelyn, Abigail, Sammy and Glenn :-)


LOTS OF FOOD :-) yummy soto mie, pecel, bakwan jagung and ager for dessert

Glenn and Abigail's oma

Sammy loves this walker... too bad we can not buy them here.
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we had SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!We played with bubbles a little bit afterwards... Auntie sisil even gave mommy's present :-) a cupcake car pan :-) But they don't want to be in the picture :-)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Finally, Gavin ELROY Cheung is born :-)

WELCOME to the World Baby Gavin :-)
You are so CUTE!!! hmmm... wonder who does he look like hehehehe :-)
Congratulation Nate, Sisil and Abigail....

Want to read the birth story, check out Gavin and Abigail's blogspot on the right column :-)

The Cheung Boys and The Hardjono boys...

The Birthday party

Jacelyn, the birthday girl. It's her 2 yrs old b'day :-).... My "anak angkat" (daughter wannabe :-)) .... She was naughty one day, her daddy asked, " men,, you are so naughty.. Whose kid are you??" Innocently she answered ," II Shien shien :-)"

Well, anything for my "little daughter" :-)

Blowing the candle the second time :-)

Sammy said," hmmmm that looks yummy!!" I want one daddy :-)

Jon thought he was going to eat the giraffe :-) Until his mommy found out how sweet it was and took it away :-)

The Ladies :-)eating and chatting

The Final look of the cake and cupcakes

Jeremy Glenn's performance at Delaware Arts Festival

The Delaware Arts Castle Theater presents
PINOCCHIO (Commedia dell'Arte)

So what is Commedia dell'Arte?
Commedia dell'Arte (Italian: "play of professional artists") is a form of improvisational theatre that began in Italy in the 16th century and held its popularity through the 18th century, although it is still performed today.[1] Performances were unscripted, held outside, and used few props. They were free to watch, funded by donations. A troupe consisted of ten people: eight men and two women. Outside Italy the form was also known as "Italian Comedy".

So here the troupe performing at the Delaware Arts Festival on July 17th. It was a nice day outside and we really enjoy the performance. Watch for the big show coming up on JUNE 7th at the Columbus Arts Festival, Downtown Columbus.


Jeremy and his teacher, Ms. Candace


Black bear with Fairy Godmother and Pinocchio
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Behind the Scene at the Delaware Arts Festival

Here is Jeremy Glenn getting ready for his first performance ever :-)


Chilling before the show.... he was not nervous at all :-)

His girlfriend Abigail came and watched with her family as well. They rode along the festival in a wagon and shared funnel cake after the show... What a romantic date :-)

making cake and cupcake for Jacelyn Birthday

The elephant fondant


All the animals, tiger, giraffe, bear and elephant

The cake, Dark chocolate with strawberry and bavarian cream filling

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Jeremy Glenn is going to Kindergarten

On thursday, he had his kindergarten screening :-). He is so excited to go to Kindergarten. Especially when he found out that he can take a book home from the library EVERYDAY! :-)

I am so proud of him... Can't believe my baby is going to ride the yellow school bus :-)

Here he is in front of the school :-)


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Thai Fusion Shrimp

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nothing much,.... Just a food that we ate :-)